UI Rollout for LRS.io

UI Rollout for LRS.io

UI Rollout for LRS.io

Last November we announced the release of Veracity Learning, version 1.14. Starting June 3rd, 2024, the new user interface improvements and updates in the latest version (1.14.8, build 14) will be made available to all Free and Pro LRS.io users. This means that users will be able to leverage the improved design by default.

A summary of the new user interface and usability updates are described below:

New UI and Usability Updates:

  • All user interface elements and spacing globally updated to use Google’s Material Design
  • Breadcrumb trails added for improved navigation
  • Simplified settings for configuring the Statement Viewer
  • Updated theme UI for controlling the colors of graphs and charts

There is minimal negative impact of this rollout. It’s possible users that used the system API may have to recreate their API keys. Otherwise, it is a seamless transition and mostly transparent to LRS.io users.

If you would like to ask a question or report an issue, please submit your feedback!